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'Business'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2008.12.22
    2008년 Q3 미국 광고시장성장률 : Total -1.7% 1
  2. 2008.12.11
    인터넷광고, 불황 속에서도 견실한 성장 (2008년 인터넷광고) 6

20073분기까지의 총 광고비 대비, 2008년 동기간 광고비 성장률은 -1.7%


전반적으로 매체비 성장률은 둔화 & 역신장인 반면, 인터넷 매체의 성장은 지속세


(Period : 2007. 1~9vs. 2008.1~9)

TV 매체 (네트워크TV, CATV ) : 2.1%
잡지 매체 (일반지, 전문지, 주간지 등) : -3.9%
신문 매체 (지역신문, 전국신문 등) : -4.9%

인터넷 매체 : 7.0%

라디오 매체 (지역방송, 전국방송, 네트워크 방송) : -8.8%

옥외 매체 (-0.5%)

Total : -1.7%

Total measured advertising expenditures in the first nine months of 2008 declined 1.7% as compared with the same period in 2007, and ad spend during Q3 was down 2.0% vs. last year,
according to data released today by TNS Media Intelligence.

Ad Spending by Media


For the nine month period, internet display advertising expenditures increased 7.0% as marketers continued to expand their online investments. However, growth rates have been shrinking for five consecutive quarters.

The Summer Olympics boosted third-quarter network TV ad spending and turned a six-month loss into a nine month gain with year-to-date expenditures up 3.0%. Cable TV (+3.7%) was aided by limited exposure to the early-year TV writer’s strike
and successful summer programming. Syndication TV (+9.0%) benefitted from more hours of programming.

Consumer magazine ad spending was down 3.8% with the reduction broadly distributed across a number of key categories, including apparel, direct response and pharmaceutical, TNS said.

Local media expenditures continue to deteriorate in the wake of cutbacks from automotive, retail and telecom advertisers. Spot TV fell 2.6% despite record-setting levels of political spending. Expenditures plunged by 10.0% in newspaper media and by 8.8% in radio media. Outdoor advertising, after six years of uninterrupted growth, fell into the red during Q3 and finished the nine-month period with a loss of 0.5%

Overall, local media ad spending was down 6.7% through September, while national media eked out a small increase of 0.9%.

“Media ad spending, which began tiptoeing into negative territory in early 2007, has crossed an inflection point in the past six months as the economic downturn has become more widespread,” said Jon Swallen, SVP, research at TNS Media Intelligence. “Preliminary data from the fourth quarter indicate a further slackening of the overall advertising market. Consumer spending levels, which drive the corporate profits that in turn fund marketing budgets, remain a serious concern and will have a strong influence on the depth and duration of the current difficulties facing advertising.”

Ad Spending by Advertiser

The top 10 advertisers in the first nine months of 2008 spent a combined total of $12,834.6 million, a 0.2% decrease from last year.


Across the top 50 companies, a more diversified group of marketers representing nearly one-third of total ad expenditures, spending fell by 2.1%.

Procter & Gamble held its position as the largest advertiser with $2,291.4 million in expenditures for the January-September period, a 5.9% decline versus a year ago.

Verizon Communications continues to escalate marketing supporting for its wireless division, causing a 12.8% increase in total ad spending, to $1,713.8 million. By comparison, rival AT&T reduced its outlays 13.7%, to $1,453.2 million, the biggest drop among the top 10 companies.

General Motors remains the lone automotive representative on the top-10 list (Toyota and Ford ranked #11 and #12, respectively). In the face of dismal industry sales and its own eroding market share, GM aggressively hiked ad spending by 15.7%, to $1,590.4 million, and concurrently reallocated budgets away from light trucks,  toward passenger cars.

Strong increases were also registered by General Electric (+12.8% to $894.0 million) and News Corp (+10.4% to $1,061.5 million) while Time Warner (-10.5%, to $1,097.1 million) and Walt Disney (-6.4%, to $887.7 million) had sizable reductions. Results for each of these companies were primarily shaped by their movie studio divisions, TNS said.

Ad Spending by Category

The top 10 advertising categories in January-September 2008 spent a total of $54,222.2 million, down 1.0% from a year ago, TNS stated.


Automotive was the top-spending category at $9,626.7 million, a drop of 12.7%, which is proportionately in line with the drop in new vehicle sales. Spending cutbacks were more severe for the domestic segment than imports. Automotive expenditures have now declined for 13 consecutive quarters.

Financial services advertising rebounded modestly in Q3 after a lackluster first half and the category finished the nine-month period at $6,765.2 million, up 0.8%. During Q3, advertising for investment products picked up and retail bank spending was flat as these marketers grappled with consumer’s growing concerns about shrinking portfolios and the safety of their deposits. Loan advertising was down sharply.

Among the leading categories, the largest percentage gain was posted by restaurants, up 6.1% to $4,278.6 million, as quick-service eateries battled to maintain store traffic and market share amidst a progressive slowdown in consumer spending.

Food and candy (+6.0% to $4,632.0 million) and local services & amusements (+2.3% to $6.274.3 million) also lifted their spending.

Telecommunications expenditures fell 5.2% to $6,296.6 million, primarily because of $600+ million in cutbacks by AT&T and Sprint Nextel. Miscellaneous retail, which includes all retail segments except department stores and home furnishings/appliance stores, was down 4.8% to $5,949.7 million.

“By most accounts, the current economic recession will be deep and lengthy and with it will come continuing challenges for the advertising and media industries,” said Dean DeBiase, CEO of TNS Media. “Undoubtedly, these industries will have to make some hard decisions in the coming months, decisions that perhaps had been deferred during periods of growth. But ultimately, this period can be viewed as an opportunity to effect such changes, leading to a leaner and more effective industry in the years ahead.”

Branded Entertainment

In Q3 2008, an average hour of monitored prime-time network programming - in minutes and seconds - contained exactly 9 minutes (9:00) of in-show brand appearances, a nine percent increase from a year ago. In addition, there were 13:41 per hour of network commercial messages. The combined total of 22:41 of marketing content represents 38% of a prime-time hour.

Unscripted reality programming had an average of 10:12 per hour of brand appearances compared with just 6:10 per hour for scripted programs such as sitcoms and dramas. Late-night network talk shows averaged 15:15 per hour. The combined load of brand appearances and network ad messages in these shows was 30:28 per hour, or 51% of total programming time.


Among all monitored network programming in Q3, America’s Toughest Jobs had the highest average volume of brand-appearance time, at 46:31 per hour. Rounding out the top five were Knight Rider (40:01); CSI: Miami (31:29); Biggest Loser: Families (29:27); and Amazing Race (28:22).

About the research: In addition to monitoring ad expenditures in all major media, TNS Media Intelligence continuously monitors branded entertainment within network prime time and late night programming. The tracking identifies brand appearances and measures their duration and attributes.


최근 5년간 약 300%의 성장률 기록

TV, 신문에 이어 3대 매체로 확실하게 자리매김

국내외적인 경기 침체의 여파로 저조한 성적을 보이고 있는 국내 광고 시장의 현실 속에서 올해도 인터넷 광고 부분은 견실한 성장세를 보이고 있다. 2008년 들어 국내 인터넷 광고 시장은 전체 광고 물량의 감소와 국내 인터넷 사용 인구 성장률의 정체라는 악재 속에서도 비록 예년과 같은 가파른 상승 곡선은 아닐 지라도 업계관계자 들의 우려를 뛰어 넘는 상반기 성적표를 보여주었다

()한국인터넷마케팅협회(IMCK)는 약 4주간의 조사를 통해 ‘2008년 상반기 인터넷 광고비 추이 및 연간 예측자료를 발표하였다. 국내 주요 포털 및 매체 사이트의 취급고와 미디어랩사의 자료를 비교/분석한 결과, 올해 상반기 국내 인터넷 매체에 집행된 총 광고비 규모는 약 6,480억 원에 이르는 것으로 집계되었다. 이 수치는 작년 동기 대비 약 20%의 성장을 의미하는 것이며 이와 같은 추세가 연말까지 지속 된다면 2008년의 총 인터넷 광고비는 약 1 3225억에 달해 2007년의 1 1364억 원 대비 16.4%의 성장을 보여 줄 것으로 전망된다. 작년 말 인터넷 업계는 올해의 인터넷 광고 시장 성장률을 최대 35%까지 보기도 했지만 급격히 위축되는 경제 상황으로 인해 2008년의 오프라인 광고 시장의 경우 정체 혹은 역성장까지 예견되고 있는 현실을 감안한다면 인터넷 부문의 16 ~ 20%의 성장세는 전체 광고 시장의 성장을 견인하고 있다는 측면에서 그 의미가 크다고 볼 수 있다. 올해 국내 총 광고비 예상치 8조원 기준으로 보면 인터넷부문의 비중이 약 17% 수준이 되는 것이며 이 수치는 영국을 제외하면 세계에서 가장 높은 수치로 인터넷 강국으로서의 한국 위상을 재 확인 시켜주는 결과인 셈이다.

년 상반기에 기록한, 전체 인터넷광고비 6,480억 원은 크게 검색광고 부문의 4,030억 원과 디스플레이광고부문의 2,450억 원으로 나누어진다.  검색광고라 함은 흔히 포털사이트의 검색창에 검색어를 입력하면 최상위 검색결과로 보여지는 스폰서링크/ 파워링크 등의 광고형태를 말하며, 디스플레이 광고는 일반적으로 배너광고, e메일 광고, 스폰서쉽 등을 말한다. 상반기에 보여준 성장 패턴이 이어질 경우 하반기의 검색광고부문 시장은 약 4195억 원으로 연간 기준 8225억 원에 이를 것으로 전망되며 디스플레이 광고부문은 하반기 2550, 연간 약 5000억 원 규모를 달성할 것으로 전망된다. 전체 인터넷 광고비 대비 검색광고 부문의 비중은 약 63%로 전년 대비 소폭 상승하는 결과로 검색과 디스플레이 부문의 비중은 점차 안정화 되어가는 추세라 볼 수 있다.

침체에 빠진 국내 경제 여건에도 불구하고 인터넷 광고 산업이 보여준 성장세는 무엇보다 인터넷의 매체로서의 영향력이 점차 확고해지고 있으며 아울러 인터넷 광고의 효과에 대한 긍정적 인식이 광고주들 사이에서 지속적으로 확산되고 있다는 사실을 보여주는 것이다. 지난 5년간 약 300% 가까운 성장을 기록한 인터넷 광고 시장은 2008년을 거치면서 양적으로는 예전의 성장세가 다소 둔화되는 모습을 보이겠지만 질적으로는 오히려 광고비 투자 대비 효과에 대한 확실한 검증을 통해 향후로도 견고한 성장을 이룰 것으로 전망된다.




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